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GBL APPLICATION: in practice!



What you need:  A game of JENGA , cards with questions.

Number of students:  2  and more.

Grade : Any

Preparation : You can use Jenga in many different ways.  I have a colourful Jenga with a die from Ikea.  There are 4 different colours of blocks in the set, so I prepared 4 corresponding cards with questions ( 2 colours with grammar  and 2 with vocabulary questions).

Description:  Students take turns to roll the die and draw a question card with the corresponding colour. If they give a correct answer they remove a block  from the tower using one hand only. Again, they have to stick to the colour that is on the die. When they remove the block, they do not put it on the top of the tower. They keep it, as the aim of the game is to collect as many blocks as possible.  if they draw a colour on the die that is not in the tower anymore, or is impossible to be removed, they have to  answer 2 questions and  then remove a block of any colour. 

Alternative: You can use Jenga with a traditional coursbook exercise with the whole class. Divide the students in teams of 4 and assign them  exercises  to do.  Groups take turns to provide the answer to the example. If they give a correct answer,  they can get a point by removing a block from the tower.  Again, the aim is to collect the biggest number of blocks.

And remember, you can't remove blocks from the top. 

The norwegian pupils are using storycubes to tell exciting stories


What you need:  A game of DOBBLE  or your own cards created with :

Number of students:  2  and more, preferable  groups of 4 or 5.

Grade: Any

Preparation:  You can create your own dobble cards easily with

Description:  Students play in groups, having the same number of cards. Each card feaures 3, 4, 6 or 8 (depending on version) different symbols , varying in size in cards. Any two cards have exactly one symbol in common. At the beginning one card is revealed. . Whoever spots the symbol in common on both cards claims the first card, then another card is revealed for players to search, and so on. Whoever has collected the most cards when the whole card deck runs out wins!


Extra tip:  You can pre-teach dobble vocabulary items with, where you can find ready-made flashcards for original dobble games.


What you need:  A tablet or a smartphone with an actionbound app.

Number of students:  any.

Grade: 4th and higher

Preparation:  You have to create your bound using website.  Also the students need an actionbound app. on their devices. 

Description: Actionbound is an app to play interactive scavenger hunts. You can create bounds with various tasks for your students, such as quiz questions or tasks involving code-scanning, taking a selfie in a particular place etc. Students move with their tablets or smartphones around the school, completing interactive tasks and gaining points. They practice the language and they discover new vocabulary items e.g. by finding a hidden flashcard.

Examples of tasks:

1. What do you call a place where you borrow books from?

2. Take a selfie in front of a place where you do gymnastics.

3. Scan a code hidden in a pink gift  box with white dots that you can find under the christmas tree on the ground floor.

4. Take a picture of a Christmas tree that is not green.

5. Take a selfie with a red bauble.

6. Write a name of a thing from the flashcard hidden on the first floor under the bin.

7. In which room number do you usually have history lesson?


Some games

CLICK ON THE DIFFERENT LINKS for many application experiences!

Sabina Kindergarten Bobbio
Paola Kindergarten Bobbio
Roxane Secondary School Bobbio/Ottone/Travo
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